注:ArcMap 版本为 10.6.1

一、将 shape 字段处理为 WKT 文本

  1. 在属性表中添加一个 Text 类型的字段,大小尽量大一些;
  2. 使用字段计算功能
  3. shape file 的字符串类型字段的大小有限制(254)



def MySub(feat):    
    partnum = 0

    # Count the number of points in the current multipart feature
    partcount = feat.partCount
    pntcount = 0
    str = ''

    # Enter while loop for each part in the feature (if a singlepart 
    # feature, this will occur only once)
    while partnum < partcount:
        part = feat.getPart(partnum)
        pnt = part.next()

        # Enter while loop for each vertex
        while pnt:
            pntcount += 1   
            // str = str + '%f' %pnt.X + ',' + '%f' %pnt.Y + '_'
            pnt = part.next()
            # If pnt is null, either the part is finished or there 
            # is an interior ring
            if not pnt: 
                str = str + '%f' %pnt.X + '' + '%f' %pnt.Y
                pnt = part.next()
                str = str + '%f' %pnt.X + '' + '%f' %pnt.Y + '_'
        partnum += 1
    return str[0:len(str)-1]